Order your FREE HIV self-test here.

Disclaimer: Offered only in select cities and states in the US

Step 1: Order.

Before You Order

You will be asked a few demographic questions to confirm your eligibility, namely:

  • Your ZIP code

  • Your date of birth

  • Your sex assigned at birth

  • When you last tested for HIV

When You Order

Request an “HIV Oral Swab Test”.

You will then be asked to enter your contact and shipping information. (Don’t worry, shipping is free!)

After You Order

To help this service help the communities who need it most, you will complete a brief survey on your gender identity, sexual orientation, and race/ethnicity.

Step 2: Wait.

In 1 to 3 days, your test kit will arrive in a discreet, unlabeled package, along with a set of instructions.

Refer to the “Oraquick” video on this page for alternative instructions on how to use your kit.

Step 3: Test.

If needed, see the test provider site for support resources.

Questions & Concerns

How can I be sure that this program is legit?

  • This program is financed by your local or state health department!

What personal information will I need to provide?

  • Sex assigned at birth

  • Full name

  • Contact information (email address and phone number)

  • Shipping address (doesn’t have to be home or work!)

That’s it!

Will my privacy be protected?

  • Yes! There’s only one exception: If you test reactive, your local or state health department may contact you so that they can direct you to care.

I’m under 18. Can I order a test kit without a parent’s or guardian’s approval?

  • Some jurisdictions do let you! However, if you receive an error message saying that you’re not eligible, you can book an appointment for a low to no cost test here; your parent or guardian won’t have access to your health records!