Who can apply?

  • First-, second-, and third-year undergraduates

  • All majors!

What do you expect from new members?

3-5 hours per week, including:

  • Weekly seminars on HIV testing and care, covering prevention strategies and antiretroviral therapy (ART) to key populations and client-centered communication

  • Monthly health fairs across Los Angeles, where we administer rapid HIV tests and provide confidential, individualized counseling free-of-charge

  • Working in a team to complete a project of your choice complementary to HIV counseling

What can you offer me?

  • Clinical experience involving direct patient contact

  • Interactive tutorials on client-centered care, paired with personalized suggestions from our lovely counselors

  • A platform for LGBTQ+ advocacy

  • An opportunity to effect substantive change in clients’ lives

I’m interested, but I don’t know much about HIV.

Not an issue! We will teach you everything you need to know about HIV.

Awesome! How do I join?

We’ll have the application link up soon for the 2024-2025 school year! Keep an eye out at the start of Fall ‘24 !

When do you recruit?

We recruit annually during Fall Quarter (October)!

I was accepted! When can I start counseling?

You will train in Fall and Winter to become an HIV test counselor. Then, before we release you into the wild, you will undergo a competence check to ensure you learned what you needed to. As soon as you pass, you can start counseling!